300km South of Kyiv


The high light of the trip is being a descent 33 meters down to the bottom of the Unified Launch Control Center!

INCLUDED: English speaking guide. Air-conditioned transportation. Admission cost and fee to be taken down by lift to the Launch Control Center. Not included: lunch (we make a stop in a cafe on the way back) read more


# Number of Visitors US$ EUR€
1 One 300.00 258.00
2 Two 160.00 138.00
3 Tree 110.00 95.00
4 Four 90.00 78.00
5 Five 75.00 65.00


If you cannot find the desirable date, or if you wish to book a private tour, we can help you.

USD p/p

• Walk along the underground corridor to a massive door that leads to a self-contained silo-based 12-storey Command Post, which could function sealed from the outside world for 45 days.
• Sit in the Command seat and experience what Soviet officers could feel during the Cold War and being in charge of nine missiles SS-22. You can touch the button that could cause a catastrophe if pressed 18 years ago.
• Look inside SS-18 "Satan" Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - equipped with up to 10 warheads and 40 penaids - it used to give Soviet Union "first strike" advantage over the U.S. - it's operating range 10,200-15,200 km, Weight 209,600 kg (462,000 lb) Length 32.2 m (106 ft) Diameter 3.05 m (10.0 ft).


We usually start our tour at 8 a.m. or as agreed

  • Drive Kiev-Odesa Highway approximately two hours, make a left turm to Holovanivsk and then another 30 minutes to the outskirt of Bobuz'ke village. Arrival to Museum. Meeting a manager of the museum, ussually ex-officer.
  • Briefing on the history of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile base of ICBM silo launcher in Pervomaisk in a pavillion with many exhibits. Sightseeing of the premices of the base including passage through 150 meters long underground corridor.
  • Take a lift 12 floors down to the bottom of the Unified Launch Control Center. (Lift can barely fit three people so with a big group it might take time for everybody to take it).
  • Visit rest area of the officers and climb one floor up to the control center, where the launching equipment with "THE BUTTON" was located. See the guards' bunkers, silo's lead, trucks and SS-18 "Satan" Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
  • On the way back to Kiev we make a stop for lunch at one of the cafes. Arrival back time 6 p.m.

Things to know when visiting Chernobyl

When you decide to visit Chernobyl please considers the following tips that will help you to enjoy the tour. Unfortunately we’ve witness too many disappointment so we simply must share these thoughts with you.
- Book well in advance! We don’t try to trick you when we say that. Booking on a short notice doesn’t work anymore. Give yourself at least a week or better two before the tour.
- Allow yourself minimum one day of rest in Kiev if you travel from overseas. This will also help if your flight is delayed.
- Take it easy on local food and drinks before the tour. Don’t let food poisoning ruined the journey you’ve probably dreamed of for a long time. Alcohol is extremely cheap in Ukraine – but please take it easy on it the day before. And consider other travelers who will be on the bus with you for almost a 12 hours ride.
- Beware of pick pocketing in public transportation and on the streets! Loosing your wallet and passport will not just cancel your tour but it will turn your visit into nightmare of getting your travel document from a consulate in Ukraine.
If you have any question you’re welcome to email us or to come to our office in downtown Kiev.
Victor Korol, director SoloEast Travel.



If you prefer a guide who speaks your language, you can enjoy our own GPS Chernobyl Tour application. It is available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.